Saturday, June 6, 2015

Blog Assignment #4

What do we need to know about asking questions to be an effective teacher?
What questions do we ask, and how do we ask them?
question mark bulb

As teachers, it is very important that we ask questions in our classroom.  Asking questions correctly will help students be engaged and learn interactively.  Teachers use questions to aid in comprehension and to check understanding about a particular subject.  The only problem with asking questions is that a teacher may ask them incorrectly.  A teacher may ask, "Does everyone understand?"  The problem with that question is that not all students do understand, some may not know and some may have a  fear of feeling inadequate, so the student(s) that don't understand will allow the teacher to move on.  A typical classroom has three types of students, the smart students who know all of the answers, the ones who do not know, and the ones who do not care.  Often teachers ask closed ended questions, questions that require only a "yes" or "no" answer.  The students who know the answer will quickly provide the answer the question, and the class will continue moving on.  This type of questioning offers no support to the struggling student, or to the student who simply doesn't care.  A method that has been proven more effective is asking open ended questions.  Asking an open ended question requires students to think at a higher level, leads to deeper thinking and can provide a variety of responses.  Instead of asking "What was the cause of civil war?", a teacher could ask "What factors led to the start of the civil war?"
  Some ways teachers may effectively ask questions is by:

  • Preparing and composing questions ahead of the lesson.  When composing questions teachers should keep in mind what you would like your students to take with them. 
  • Follow up closed ended questions by asking for details.  These details may come from the student who answered or another classmate.
  • Do not ask more than one question at a time.  Asking three questions at once will be confusing to students who are looking for answers. 
  • Do not interrupt students, or tell them the answer is wrong.  Telling a student they are wrong will discourage them from answering future questions.
  •  Lastly, encourage students to be active in the questioning process and allow them to have open discussions.  Discussions help students actively participate and keep them searching for answers, even if students' answers differ.


The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom.

Asking Questions to Improve Learning

Asking better questions in the classroom/ Youtube video

Open Ended Questions/ Youtube Video


  1. I also believe that it is important to ask questions. I think it's extremely important as a teacher because it lets us know who comprehends and who does not.

  2. I think you did a great job on this post. I agree with you that teachers sometimes ask questions incorrectly. Questions are such a crucial part of learning that we as teachers need to make sure we are not confusing the students by the questions that we are asking. I especially like your tips on effective question asking.

  3. "Teachers use questions to aid in comprehension and to check understanding about a particular subject." The way questions are stated is very important. It is essential as a teacher to know how to ask effective questions.

    Very good.
