Friday, May 29, 2015

Blog Assignment #2

21st century skills
                         "Mr. Dancealot"
 I felt the central message of the video is to address what it takes to be a good, effective teacher, and to point out that there are teachers who do not teach effectively. The author makes a valid point when in conclusion the professor asks the students to test and show their skills and knowledge regarding dance. His ineffective teaching is proven when all students are confused and unsure of what to do during the test. I do not agree with the teacher. I do not agree with the teacher who teaches them ineffectively and then expects them to know what to do, but I do agree that the central message was proven correct from watching the movie.
                                       "Teaching in the 21st century"
 I. 21st century teaching
    A. Students
        1.access to technology media
        3.learn anything online, no teachers needed
    B. Engage
        1. Teach students skills, how to correctly and effectively use technology
        2. Use it as a tool, and learn together
 I think that Mr. Robert's believes that teaching in the 21st century is exciting, resourceful, and can be engaging. I think it is a little scary the way technology changes all the rules, especially at my age where I see my children use the tools better than I can. I think as an educator I will need to learn everyday alongside my students, and together with the use of technology we can have endless opportunities.
                                                      "Networked Students"
 In the networked student video, it is true that students have any and all information at their fingertips. I think it is great that students have the access and resources to help them but feel that having a reliable live person (teacher) can help students grow along the way. A person that can be there to encourage them, and support them in all their endeavors.
                                                                                "Harness your students digital smarts"
baby on computerI agree with Ms. Davis in the video, it is great for students to learn from a hands-on approach. I feel it is the best way for students to retain their knowledge. I also agree that there will be things even the teacher will not know, but students will be able to teach them.

                "Who is ahead in the race?"
 In this video Dr. Strange has compared Elementary Education students to college students, like myself. It is no surprise to me that the results are way ahead for the younger students. The current students and upcoming generations of students have tremendous amounts of access to all the tools that aid in learning. I am the student in college now that is older and we didn't have all the resources available yet. (As in they weren't created yet!) I know I have much to learn, but with my students help and now the technology to figure it out, it will not be an impossible journey.

                                                             "Classroom Flipping"
This is the first time I have heard the term flipping the classroom. It is definitely a new and different concept. I feel that it could be useful in some ways. For instance, if a student is absent or needs remediation. In the area I live and hope to soon teach in, I'm not certain all students and parents would participate. I don't particularly love this new form of teaching, I think that one-on-one personal time with a student is so important, but I guess it is a new way of providing instruction.


  1. Good job! Don't forget to add links to the videos you are referring to!

  2. I agree that the advancing technology is making the classroom teacher's role obsolete and it is scary. I also agree that it is beneficial having a live human being in the classroom leading the class lessons. It was interesting to see how easily the elementary school students were able to pick up the new technology and learn how to use it with little time experimenting with it. I, too, am not a fan of the flipped classroom. I can see how it could be beneficial to students that are behind or are struggling, but I don't believe that it can replace a live teacher lecturing. I would like to point out that in the blog assignment description it did not say that we needed to put links to the videos in the blogpost, but I may have scanned over it.
